Wallace and Gromit hold a special place in my heart. I can remember watching the films again and again with my dad as a child, and the sheer excitement when a new one was released. From The Wrong Trousers to the Were-Rabbit, I love all of them and would gladly watch them any time. They’re really the definition of family entertainment. Although there are bad guys and somewhat sinister plots to bump off our beloved Wallace, it’s all dealt with in a lovely innocent way and cleared up with a good old happy ending.

As an adult I think I appreciate the animation and cinematography even more. I can’t even begin to comprehend the skill involved in creating the scenes tiny move by tiny move, let alone the patience required. I’ve seen some of the original models at the museum in Bristol and they are just as good up close as on the screen. I even had a go at creating my own stop motion animation; I don’t think Nick Park will be giving me a job anytime soon.
As a parent I’ve enjoyed sharing Wallace and Gromit with my two children. Even from a young age they’ve been captivated by the crazy capers and cracking inventions. It’s so nice to be able to watch something that we all really like and there’s no worries about anything being overly scary or nightmare inducing.

We jumped at the chance to go and see Wallace and Gromit’s Musical Marvels at The Forum in Bath. It was a really fantastic show, featuring a live orchestra all dressed as Wallace and Gromit characters, playing songs from the films as well as classics like Bohemian Rhapsody. There was also a screening of The Wrong Trousers with the orchestra playing the score.
Although we have been to the theatre together as a family, this was a completely different experience for us and my two children loved it. My daughter in particular, who couldn’t resist having a good old dance to the songs in the first half! There’s something for everyone, no matter how old you are!