Easy Screen Free Activities

Toddler child looking at books

Right then, hands up who’s exhausted their homeschooling resources and resorting to more and more screen time just to get through the day? (which day is it again? they’re all the same)

If you did want to find some activities that don’t involve screens (and there’s absolutely no pressure to), here’s some suggestions:

  • Build a fort – use chairs / clothes dryers / empty boxes or anything you have to hand, plus plenty of sheets and blankets to cover it up
  • Find everything in your house that will stick to, or repel, a magnet
  • Write a letter to someone you haven’t seen for a while, including lots of questions for them to answer
  • Make a book of your best jokes, with some fun illustrations
  • Learn a tongue twister and practice saying it as quickly as you can
  • Make paper aeroplanes of different designs and measure how far they can fly
  • Create a homemade card and wrapping paper for the next special occasion in your family, or a friend’s birthday
  • Write and draw a storyboard for a play and act it out, including as many ‘characters’ you can find around the house
  • Make a college out of cut out pictures of all of your favourite things
  • Write a review of a book, film or TV programme and then ‘present’ it
  • Make your own ice cubes using water, food colouring and cut up pieces of fruit
  • Learn a new card game and teach it to your family
  • Make a bowling game using old empty bottles or even toilet rolls
  • Use old cardboard tubes and boxes to build a marble run
  • Design your own version of a board game (Amazon boxes come in very handy for this!)
  • Paint your walls outside with water and a paintbrush – can you write your name?

Photo by Sven Brandsma on Unsplash

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