In Plain Sight – Marion Todd

Marion Todd’s novels are fast becoming my new favourite crime series. Reading In Plain Sight, the second in the DI Clare McKay series, was like watching a brilliant new crime thriller over a bank holiday weekend. It starts with a fairly unsavoury situation, with a baby being taken from its pram, in full view of a charity run. The story doesn’t shy away from the potential consequences, which at times makes it an uncomfortable read. But this didn’t put me off from reading, partly because you’re desperate for a happy ending. The novel weaves various storylines elegantly together, from the crime investigation to the police politics and the home life of the heroine. You’re rooting for DI McKay to suceed as much as you want the baby to be saved. This is another brilliant novel and I can’t wait for the next installment!
Postscript – Cecelia Ahern

It’s hard to believe that PS I Love You, which Postscript is the sequel to, was published over 15 years ago. It’s one of the modern classics that your work colleagues, your mum, sister and auntie have all read. So it’s a hard act to follow for Cecelia Ahern, but I’m sure she’ll see as much success with the follow up as with the original.
Postscript is beautifully written, and it’s a testament to that that the reader is swept along with the story, considering the overarching them is grief and bereavement. The heroine from the first novel, Holly, is back and finds herself caught up with the PS I Love You club – a group who want to replicate the letters received by Holly from her husband after he had passed away. Rather than focussing only on the members of the group, the story follows Holly’s emotional journey through another phase of her life. It is this story which really engages the reader, even if at times you may want to shout at her! And yes, I did cry at certain points, which is inevitable with the subject matter but there are also a lot of uplifting moments too. The book is perfect for curling up with a roaring fire or lounging on the beach, just maybe go easy on the mascara!
The Fallout – Rebecca Thornton

Wow, this book is a real rollercoaster!
It has many themes too, including parenting, friendship, relationships and maturity. Told from the perspectives of the two main characters, Sarah and Liza, the book starts with WhatsApp chat conversations. But a trip to the local health and fitness club leads the story in a different direction. It’s at this point that the ‘what would you do’ questions start for the reader, and also when another pivotal character, the mysterious Ella Bradby, comes into play.
The story certainly does not play out in the way that you would anticipate or expect, and you’re taken on a massive emotional journey, particularly if you are a parent yourself. Covering many familiar parenting topics, you’ll find yourself swinging between anger, sympathy and betrayal. I was shouting at certain people in my head at times! All of this comes together to make The Fallout a must-read. It’s not your typical ‘mummy’ novel and contains elements of other genres that will please a wide audience. It’ll definitely make you double-check your WhatsApp messages!
Featured image by Susan Yin on Unsplash