New Books I’ve Enjoyed – January

Books on curved shelves

Along with many other pursuits, I don’t read as much these days as pre-children, but I still enjoy a good book. I am finding that I’m reading a wider range of books though – I used to be firmly loyal to a handful of authors and too nervous to try something out of my comfort zone. But now, if a story gets me hooked then I’m well away, and it’s a great thrill to find a new writer to add to my favourites list.

Let Me Lie – Clare Mackintosh

Let Me Lie coverThis book is firmly within this category. It’s a real rollercoaster read with a story that has stayed with me for days after I finished reading it.

It begins with Anna, mum to a new baby who is facing the first anniversary of her mum’s suicide, plus the suicide of her father seven months previous to that. The story draws you immediately and I found myself really warming to Anna and the emotions that she was experiencing. Then the first sucker punch hits you – an anniversary card arrives with the words Suicide? Think Again.

Anna then sets off on a mission to prove her theory that her parents were actually murdered – but were they?

The story flits between the viewpoints of the main characters, including Anna and Murray, the retired detective who takes on her case. Through these differing viewpoints, and the tiny nuggets of story that are slipped in as you go, as the reader you never know quite where you stand and that’s the beauty of it. It’s a story that pulls you in and then spits you out as soon as you feel like you’re getting comfortable. There’s certainly no predicting the outcome here, and the characters are so well formed that the real answer could lie with any one of them.

Love Me, Crazy – Laura Burton

Love Me, Crazy coverI’ve read my fair share of chick-lit novels. To me I see them in a similar way to a tub of ice cream or bar of chocolate – they cheer me up when I need a boost and the feel-good endings make me feel all warm and fuzzy. But sometimes I need more, and Love Me, Crazy fits the bill perfectly. It bursts out of the sugar sweet chick-lit mould, with a love story combined with a roaring thriller that actually had me holding my breath at times.

It starts with Sophie, nervous at her impending marriage, being comforted by her mother Audrey, who proceeds to tell her daughter her own love story. It begins nicely, with a blossoming romance between Audrey and Reverend Tom. But then bam, it all unravels and the action escalates. You’re then taken on a twisty turny ride where you never know what’s going to happen next and it’s a far from predictable ending.

I loved this book – with it’s combination of my two favourite genres and well developed characters. The scene setting was particularly well written and I could really picture the protagonists at the various locations in Bristol (despite not having visited them)

I’m looking forward to reading Love Me, Sweetie the next book by Laura Burton which is released in time for Valentine’s Day.

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