If you know me, you would describe me as a grumpy person. I like to have a moan, about pretty much most things, it’s what makes me special 🙂 So I thought it might be helpful for me to write things down, rather than staying annoyed at them. Although I’m reminded of them as I write, and when I share my post on social media, oh well, the good intention was there.
Here’s what I’ve been ranting about this week:
Ladies Toilets
I have a feeling that all Ladies toilets have been designed by men. We all accept that women go to the toilet a lot, and usually with someone else, so why do we always have to queue? I went to the Portsmouth Guildhall on Friday night to see Bill Bailey, and had to wait. What baffled me was the huge amount of empty space that could have been used to squeeze some extra cubicles in. There was even a waiting area with two armchairs in it – who wants to sit down and have a little rest in a toilet?! Plus you would lose your place in the queue.
Random episodes in TV series
I’m a binger. Of TV series that is, and maybe cheesecake. What annoys the hell out of me though, is when you’re really into an awesome TV series, can’t wait to watch the next one, and then the producers chuck in a completely random episode that doesn’t fit with anything. We’ve all seen THAT ONE in Stranger Things, and tell our friends to just skip it.
We were watching series three of the Leftovers, which I’ve really enjoyed. Yes, I know the whole thing is pretty weird and reminiscent of Lost (still my favourite). But there was an episode where the main characters have to get on a ferry, and they find that the whole boat has been taken over by a swingers convention. And a live lion. A whole episode.
It didn’t stop me watching the rest of the series, but I’m never going to get that hour of my life back. I don’t get to watch a lot of grown-up telly these days, so when I do watch something, it needs to be good.
Term Time Only
I have one child at school, and one in nursery. Thankfully, her nursery is open all year round so she can attend when it’s the school holidays. I don’t get it though, when a lot of things in her life are term time only? SHE’S NOT AT SCHOOL
All the classes she goes to just stop in the holidays. Yes, I know, the people that run them have families and need to have a break. But frankly, it’s really annoying! It breaks our nice routine, and I have to think of equally-as-exciting things to do instead. When it’s raining.
And bloody HMRC and childcare benefits. I know I know, I should be grateful for the extra help, but why is it based on terms when our children are at nursery? Both in how it’s calculated, and when it’s applied. It’s supposed to be an aid to help parents work, and be active in the economy. I don’t work term time only. I wish I did.
Skirt lengths
I accept that I am slightly below average height at 5’4, but I’m not tiny. I wanted to get myself a maxi skirt for the warmer weather as I don’t do shorts. Every single skirt I tried on was too long. And I’m not talking by just a little bit. This was draping-on-the-floor-like-a-mermaid too long. And I know there’s the petite ranges in some shops, but then you have the indignity of having to go up a size because your waist doesn’t qualify as petite.
OK, need to stop now. This is turning into an epic! What have you been ranting about this week?
Oh I love a good rant, me! And as a fellow 5’4″ person I concur that maxi skirts seem to be exclusively made for amazonian 6 footers! xx #itsok
I just don’t get it!
Ah the Term-Time Only rule really sucks! I hate my routine going for a toss. Thanks for linking up with us at #itsok again this week.
Can’t agree about the random episode thing, especially regarding Stranger Things. My wife and I often disagree about certain episodes, often she thinks not enough “happens” in them, but I like those episodes that allow the characters, and the tension often, to grow. Funny post! #itsok
Ooooh, that’s getting controversial! 🙂
Very true about the skirt lengths. I’m also a little person. (but sadly my waist, arse and, well, everything bar the height, don’t conform to the little person category. #itsok
Ranting is good – you let all your frustrations out. In total agreement with the toilet issue – they definitely didn’t consider us when they designed it #itsok
It’s so true!
Grrrrrrr nothing worse than nonsensical,silly episodes in box sets!!!Such a disappointment….#itsok
You watch it, and then think, well I’m never getting that hour back!